Submissions are now closed!
Those who have received the acceptance communication can already register using the form at the end of this page
The registration deadline is August 1st
How to submit
There are two different submission forms. To submit your ABSTRACT, click on "Submit abstract button" and you will be taken to the corresponding form to fill.
Abstracts must have a maximum length of 250 words. To run for a free-of-charge access to the HERCULES Lab facilities to perform analysis relevant to your research,
click on "Submit lab proposal".
This conference, in addition of offering a favorable environment for young researchers to present their research results, will also give the opportunity to visit
the HERCULES laboratory facilities and learn about the various instruments and analytical techniques. The practical workshop will take the form of 3 sessions,
in order to present pXRF, µ-FTIR, Raman, XRD, and SEM techniques (topics may change according to the world pandemic situation). You will be able to select which session to
follow when doing the REGISTRATION.
The registration fee for YRA 2021 is fixed at 60€. This value is to cover the operational costs and the workshops costs.
To register, use the link at the end of the page or click
HERE. Please select how you would like to attend the conference (digitally or in presence). The registration fee payment can be done from
15 July until
15 August. Online participation is free-of-charge. The workshops will be held in
in presence, so those who will be joining virtually will not be able to attend them!
For further information, please do not hesitate to contact us.